What to do when you lack of consumer data?
May 16, 2023

For today's consumer brands, some market data is over-documented while others remain real black boxes: this is the case for so-called "out-of-home" consumption.
We call "out-of-home" or "hors foyer" the distribution channels that include: collective catering, fast-food restaurants, bars, nightclubs, but also cinemas, gas stations, convenience stores, etc.
Today, it is relatively easy for a brand to analyze its sales in supermarkets (large and medium-sized stores). Most brands make available precise data on their sales by reference and by point of sale. This is a gold mine for brands, allowing them to analyze their sales in these stores very precisely:
- the success of one product over another,
- the impact of a promotional campaign,
- their performance compared to a competitor or their category,
- the seasonality of their sales,
- etc.
This allows brands to make strategic decisions based on highly accurate real-world data.
On the other hand, the distribution of "out-of-home" products remains very difficult to measure for brands, because these points of sale are rarely operated on a large scale and it is almost impossible to collect sales data. It is possible to partially capture this data via the cash registers of "wholesale" stores (Promocash, Métro) but the distribution that takes place afterwards remains a black box.
However, these channels represent significant outlets for certain segments of the consumer market: non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, spirits, etc.
One way to get around this lack of data is to get consumer data, i.e., to precisely question consumers in order to understand their buying and consumption habits in these channels.
Thus, DataLift used Episto technology to capture, via a quantitative study, the consumption practices in these specific channels.
In this study we discover:
- the most frequented out-of-home shopping locations
- Top converting out-of-home shopping locations (purchase vs. attendance)
- out-of-home vs. supermarket penetration of the top 10 brands
- and many other insights...
To access it, contact DataLift and receive the full study results for free!