Episto.uk Terms and Conditions of Use

1. What is the purpose of general terms and conditions of use?

The trust you place in us every day is our priority. As such, we do our utmost to ensure that you can maintain this trust on a daily basis, which obviously includes general terms and conditions of use ("GTC") that are respected and known by all.

The TOS, which apply to all of our services, are intended to present the rules that you must follow when using our website, knowing that any use of the website implies unconditional acceptance of the TOS.

You therefore certify that you have read the TOS prior to any use of our Site and that you have all the information and skills necessary to ensure that the services provided correspond to your needs.


2. What are our commitments concerning the Site?

We put at your disposal the Site which aims to bring you all the information that you could seek on our offers of service and on our company.

We do our best to provide you with a quality website, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with accurate and precise content, free of any risk of technical failure.

However, as there is no such thing as "zero risk" in the field of information technology, we cannot be held liable for any loss or damage that may occur as a result of using the Website because we cannot be responsible for any errors, unavailability, or interruptions that may occur on our Website or in the event that a virus is accessible from our Website. We are also not responsible for any delay or inability on your part to fulfill your obligations under the TOS if the delay or inability results from any cause beyond our reasonable control.

In addition, your access to our Website and services may occasionally be suspended or limited to allow for repairs, maintenance, or the addition of a new feature or service.


3. What rules apply to intellectual property?

We are and remain the exclusive owners of all intellectual property rights in any trademarks (e.g., Episto, Jering, etc.), graphics or logos, or any other elements that you may view when using our Site.

We are and remain the exclusive owners of all intellectual property rights and third party licenses applicable to the general structure of the Site such as, the software used to run it, the algorithms we have developed, the APIs we use, the content of the Site we write and/or select (e.g., text, sound, design, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, etc.), our know-how, etc.

The fact that you may have free access to it during your use does not imply that we are granting you any license or right to use the elements of this Site.

You do not have the right to use these elements, in any way whatsoever, in whole or in part, without our prior written authorization. Any use on your part that we would not have authorized can constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by the articles L335-2 and following of the Code of the intellectual property and by the articles L713-2 and following of the same code.

Our Site is also likely to mention, for various reasons, other logos, trademarks or registered trademarks belonging to us or to third parties and protected by industrial property law. Therefore, any use of these elements that is not expressly authorized constitutes an infringement.


4. How do we use your personal data?

When we work together and you browse our Site, we have no choice but to process your personal data in order to handle your requests, manage our commercial relations, etc.

To make it easier for you to understand how we process your data, we have written a Privacy Policy, which can be accessed at any time on our Site, which aims to tell you why and how we process your data in the context of the services we provide.

We may also use "Cookies" in particular to operate the Site. You can at any time obtain more precise information on the use we make of "Cookies" on your terminals (e.g. cell phone, computer, tablet, etc.) thanks to our "Cookies" Policy also accessible at any time on our Site.


5. Which "standard" language is applicable?

The Site can be translated into different languages. Nevertheless, French remains the "standard" language of our company and our business. The French language always prevails over the other versions of the Site in the context of our working relationship, particularly in the event of misinterpretation, dispute, or difficulty of interpretation of our services.

6. What are the rules governing hypertext links?

The Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites or third-party sites. You are advised that we are not responsible or liable for any offers, actions, content, products, services or other items available through these links.

In addition, we thank you in advance for notifying us of any hypertext link present on the Site that would allow access to a third-party Site proposing content contrary to the law or morality.

7. Nullity

The nullity of one of the clauses of the present document does not entail the nullity of the TOS and the other clauses will continue to produce their effects.

8. Waiver

Jering's temporary or permanent non-enforcement of any provision of the TOU shall not constitute a waiver of such provision.

9. What is the applicable law for the use of the Site or any dispute relating to these terms and conditions?

Jering is a company under French law. Consequently, the use of our website is subject to French law and any dispute will be brought exclusively before the competent French courts.

10. Can the general terms and conditions be modified?

We reserve the right to modify the TOS at any time and without notice. We therefore advise you to consult them as regularly as possible.

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